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Headshot of Lucile Brethes

Lucile Brethes

Project Manager - Breathe Cities
Lucile oversees the growth of Breathe Cities, including project management, inputting to strategy, developing new processes and more.

Lucile has worked on international development programmes since 2011, spending four years living and working in West and Central Africa, and then working from London to support programmes around the world. She worked for several NGOs, including Save the Children, ACTED and the Start Network, and led a grant-making mechanism for the French government to support locally led actions in Cote d’Ivoire. Over the last few years, Lucile specialised on public health programmes, supporting initiatives to tackle childhood illnesses including childhood pneumonia.

Her background is in development Economics, and she studied Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Why I work for Clean Air Fund:

To me, air pollution is one of the biggest overlooked public health issues, affecting people without them even realising it. Tacking air pollution is critical not only for people’s health, but also for the planet. Through its work, Clean Air Fund generates co-benefits for climate and public health at the same time, and I find it extremely rewarding to contribute to this work.