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News 17 March 2022

Introducing the McCall MacBain Clean Air Fellowship – The next generation of clean air leaders

The Clean Air Fund and the University of Birmingham, with the support of the McCall MacBain Foundation, are launching the McCall MacBain Clean Air Fellowship, to develop the next generation of leaders for the clean air movement.

Clean Air Fund and the University of Birmingham will select four exceptional students, two from the UK and two from Central and Eastern Europe, to pursue a master’s degree in Air Pollution Management and Control as McCall MacBain Clean Air Fellows. The Fellowship will identify those who can demonstrate a strong rationale for studying air pollution and can commit to tackling the problem through their career choice after they graduate.

Accredited by the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Institute of Air Quality Management, the Air Pollution Management and Control MSc is the only one of its kind in the UK. Taught by world-leading academics, the course takes an interdisciplinary approach – designed to give a comprehensive and holistic understanding of air pollution, its effects, and the management measures available for its control.

“The McCall MacBain Foundation is proud to launch the McCall MacBain Clean Air Fellowships in partnership with the University of Birmingham and the Clean Air Fund. Improving air quality is an important way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the effects of climate change. By providing the knowledge and networks needed to tackle air pollution, we will support these promising new leaders in addressing the major social, health and environmental challenges of our time.” – Franca Gucciardi, CEO, McCall MacBain Foundation

As well as covering course fees and providing a stipend for living and travel costs, fellows will benefit from a tailored programme of masterclasses and career development opportunities such as practical experience and networking facilitated by the University and Clean Air Fund.

“This fellowship initiative will support a new cohort of young leaders to tackle the deep-seated problems of air pollution that lie at the heart of the climate crisis. It’s a unique combination of academic excellence, inspired philanthropy and long-term commitment to delivering clean air” – Sean Maguire, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Clean Air Fund

The deadline for applications is Friday June 3, 2022. For more information and to apply, please see the University of Birmingham’s website.

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About the McCall MacBain Foundation

Established in 2007 by John and Marcy McCall MacBain, the McCall MacBain Foundation’s mission is to improve the welfare of humanity by providing scholarships and other educational opportunities that nurture transformational leadership, and by investing in evidence-based strategies to address climate change, preserve our natural environment, and improve health outcomes.The Foundation believes that climate change is the single most pressing problem facing our planet and that we must all do our part to address it. John McCall MacBain was a founder and founding chair of the European Climate Foundation, which has pushed for ambitious climate action in Europe and globally. The Foundation aims in particular to amplify voices that can show how we might constructively achieve a low-carbon future, and ensure we do so with greater urgency.