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News 14 October 2024

EU adopts pioneering air pollution law for Europe

The EU’s revised Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) has been formally adopted. The EU has set one of the most progressive air quality regulatory frameworks in the world, leading the way for other countries to enact similar legislation.

Today, EU member states adopted the final text of the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD). This landmark legislation puts all EU member states on a path towards meeting World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines. The new legislation places Europe among the global leaders for air quality rules.   

EU member states will have two years to transpose the EU text into their national laws. Based on the European Commission’s impact assessment, a strengthened AAQD will result in significant health, climate and socioeconomic impacts:  

  • More than 55% reduction in premature deaths in the EU. Every year, as many as 300,000 Europeans die prematurely due to air pollution. 
  • Gross annua benefits estimated at up to €121 billion (primarily health, economic and environmental benefits), for less than €6 billion costs annually. 

The new AAQD sets binding air quality standards (limits and targets) for countries to achieve by 2030 for all major pollutants and specifically for particulate matter pollution (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – double the ambition of the previous limits.  

The legislation also includes strengthened monitoring and measuring provisions for air pollution, and rules for access to justice and compensation for people whose health was impacted by air pollution. 

The Council of the EU’s adoption of the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive today is a historic moment that will help transform the air we breathe and protect the health of millions of people across the continent. This decision underlines Europe’s commitment to safeguarding public health and provides inspiration for everyone working for a future where we all breathe clean air. We now urge member states to swiftly transpose this Directive into national law and begin to implement these vital measures without delay.

Jane Burston, CEO of Clean Air Fund 

Today’s vote is the culmination of a lengthy process to revise the continent’s air quality law since October 2022. Europe’s clean air movement and Clean Air Fund’s partners have worked tirelessly to advocate for a more ambitious directive. We are proud of the impact of our health, environment, research and industry partners from across Europe:

The adoption of this revised directive is a milestone for people’s health across the EU, but the real work begins now. Member states must act decisively to meet these new standards by 2030. The swift implementation of the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive will lead to immediate improvements in air quality and health benefits, including a much-needed reduction in the staggering costs associated with air pollution. 

Anne Stauffer, HEAL

With this in mind, the zero-pollution ambition is certainly one of the most important commitments included in the previous European Commission’s programme and the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directive was one of the key actions to deliver on it. Today’s adoption by the Council marks an important score for Europe. We call on this Executive to continue to pursue this key objective and to properly serve the One Health for All goal.

Faustine Bas-Defossez, European Environmental Bureau 

With attention now turning to action in EU member states, Clean Air Fund urges national governments to swiftly transpose the directive and deliver clean air for people and planet.