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Through our global programme, we raise air pollution up the international agenda. We influence world leaders and global institutions to set higher targets for air quality.

Air pollution around the world 

Air pollution is one of the biggest public health issues we face globally, and it’s getting worse. Nine out of ten people in the world live in places where the air they breathe is damaging to their health (WHO).

Air pollution is a global problem which demands global solutions.

Alongside our work in key geographies – India, Bulgaria, Poland and the UK – our global work aims to tackle the problem across borders and through international bodies. 

of people are breathing dirty air worldwide

How we work globally 

We’re raising pollution up the political agenda through partnerships with the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the C40 Cities’ global Mayors forum. These groups enable political and business leaders at global level to share best practice, agree common approaches and standards, build capacity and take joint action.

We influence global leaders and decision makers to tackle air quality as part of the climate change commitments. Our climate, air pollution and health challenges are interconnected in their causes and consequences, and therefore in their solutions.

We call on decision makers to:

  • stop investing in air polluting fossil fuels
  • commit new funding to support the transition to clean energy solutions 
  • make action on air pollution an explicit priority in climate action and sustainable development activities. 

When governments take a joined up approach to climate change and air pollution, the benefits come faster, are fairer and cheaper.

Funding the global movement for clean air 

To turn the tide against air pollution, we need to encourage more funding of air quality initiatives. Currently less than 1% of total official development and foundation funding is spent on tackling air pollution. 

It is time for governments and all stakeholders in our common future to recognise that action on air pollution is central to making meaningful progress towards meeting the sustainable development goals.

Inger Andersen – Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme

In 2019 and 2020, air quality projects received 21% less official development funding than projects that prolong fossil fuels. Fossil fuel projects contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. 

We could achieve a lot more more quickly with more funding. 

Clean Air Fund seeks to increase funding for clean air projects around the world from official development funders and philanthropic funders. If you are a philanthropic funder, find out more about how to partner with us to fund clean air solutions.  

Global convening: Our Common Air

We’re setting up a global commission to bring together powerful voices to accelerate collective action on air pollution and ensure that the right to clean air can be realised by all. Find out more about Our Common Air.

Supporting cities worldwide

Breathe Cities is an ambitious initiative supporting cities around the world to cut their air pollution and climate emissions. The initiative, which began in London, supports air quality action in cities around the world. It brings together data, communities and city decision-makers to cut urban air pollution. Breathe Cities is a first-of-its-kind partnership delivered by Clean Air Fund, C40 Cities and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

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Clear demand for stricter air pollution regulation

This research supports calls for governments to prioritise clean air in COVID-19 recovery packages

Air Pollution: a forgotten funding issue

Our research shows that air quality spending is a drop in the ocean of funders’ budgets