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Our strategy

Our 'Clean Air for All' Strategy (2023–2026) sets out how we are driving progress on tackling global air pollution, including our theory of change.

Cleaning our air can be a solution to some of society’s biggest challenges, from public health to climate change, children’s development to sustainable economic growth. To achieve clean air for all, we are driving ambitious change from grassroots to governments.

Our approach

Our multi-level strategy focuses on three areas:

  • Data: Putting compelling evidence in the right hands
  • Demand: Growing public awareness and political will
  • Drive: Influencing decision-makers to commit to ambitious clean air measures

We fund and partner with organisations across the globe that promote data, build public demand for clean air and drive action. We engage and support decision-makers to act on clean air, bringing together funders, researchers, policy makers, businesses and campaigners to strengthen the air quality cause. We also work with communities disproportionately affected by air pollution.

We work where the need and potential for impact is greatest, including the EU, Ghana, India and the UK. We also run a global programme to raise air pollution up the international agenda and encourage decision makers to take action. Our global themes include data, health, campaigns and private sector engagement.

How we catalyse change

Our Clean Air for All Strategy (2023–2026) sets out how we will drive progress on air pollution. We are striving to:

  • reduce PM2.5 and NO2 emissions aligned with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines
  • cut CO2e emissions by 5-10% in cities where we operate
  • gain political recognition for air quality as a global health priority.

This is our theory of change:

Our indicators of progress

  • The EU & national governments in our key geographies adopt and/or drive forward ambitious targets
  • 55+ city governments implement ambitious Air Quality Management Plans and/or Low Emission Zones
  • 75 multinational corporations and large national corporations act on ambitious plans to reduce their pollution
  • We catalyse at least $250million of funds to our pooled fund and the wider field.

What our grants look like in action:

The movement for clean air is at a critical juncture. Despite significant progress over the last four years,  much more needs to be done to reduce air pollution, saving millions of lives, reducing enormous health harms and mitigating climate change.

By working together, we have a golden opportunity to make action on air pollution a catalyst for fairer, cleaner growth and prosperity around the world.

Jane Burston, founder and CEO at Clean Air Fund

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