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About Clean Air Fund

Clean Air Fund is a global philanthropic organisation working with governments, funders, businesses and campaigners to create a future where everyone breathes clean air.

Our mission

Air pollution is the largest environmental threat to human health worldwide. The Clean Air Fund is a global philanthropic organisation that works with governments, campaigners, researchers, funders and businesses to create a world where everyone breathes clean air.

Our work

As the world’s largest philanthropically-funded organisation dedicated to tackling air pollution, we drive ambitious change from grassroots to governments. We accelerate the clean air movement by:

  • funding and partnering with organisations across the globe that promote data, build public demand for clean air and drive action. Find out more about our grants
  • engaging and supporting decision makers to act on clean air, and bringing together funders, researchers, policy makers, businesses and campaigners to strengthen the air quality cause. Find out more about our projects
  • We work with communities disproportionately affected by air pollution.

We work where the need and potential for impact is greatest, including the EUGhanaIndia, South Africa and the UK. We also run global programmes to raise air pollution up the international climate and health agendas. Our global themes include data, health, campaigns and private sector action.

Our history

Our impact

Through our grants and projects, we’ve made a real difference tackling air pollution globally. Here are some of the highlights from our work on clean air so far.

Our strategy

Our ‘Clean Air for All’ Strategy (2023–2026) sets out how we are driving progress on tackling global air pollution, including our theory of change.